Towards the evolutionary emergence of increasingly complex advantageous behaviours

Channon, Alastair Daniel, and Robert I. Damper. “Towards the evolutionary emergence of increasingly complex advantageous behaviours.” International Journal of Systems Science 31, no. 7 (2000): 843-860.

The generation of complex entities with advantageous behaviours beyond our manual design capability requires long-term incremental evolution with continuing emergence. In this paper, we argue that artificial selection models, such as traditional genetic algorithms, are fundamentally inadequate for this goal. Existing natural selection systems are evaluated, revealing both significant achievements and pitfalls. Thus, some requirements for the perpetuation of evolutionary emergence are established. An (artificial) environment containing simple virtual autonomous organisms with neural controllers has been created to satisfy these requirements and to aid in the development of an accompanying theory of evolutionary emergence. Resulting behaviours are reported alongside their neural correlates. In a particular example, the collective behaviour of one species provides a selective force which is overcome by another species, demonstrating the incremental evolutionary emergence of advantageous behaviours via naturally arising coevolution. While the results fall short of the ultimate goal, experience with the system has provided some useful lessons for the perpetuation of emergence towards increasingly complex advantageous behaviours.

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