Synchronization Phenomena in internal reaction models of protocell

Serra, Roberto, Timoteo Carletti, Alessandro Filisetti, and Irene Poli. “Synchronization phenomena in internal reaction models of protocells.” Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation; Serra, R., Villani, MPI, Eds (2010): 303-312.

Protocells are lipid vesicles (or, less frequently) micelles which are endowed with some rudimentary metabolism, contain “genetic”material, and which should be able to grow, reproduce and evolve. While viable protocells do not yet exist, their study is important in order to understand possible scenarios for the origin of life, as well as for creating new “protolife”forms which are able to adapt and evolve1 . This endeavor has an obvious theoretical interest, but it might also lead to an entirely new “living technology”, definitely
different from conventional biotechnology.

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