Problem Solving as a Complex, Evolutionary Activity: A Methodological Framework for Analyzing Problem-Solving Processes in a ComputerSupported Collaborative Environment

Kapur, Manu, John Voiklis, and Charles K. Kinzer. “Problem solving as a complex, evolutionary activity: A methodological framework for analyzing problem-solving processes in a computersupported collaborative environment.” In Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 2005: The Next 10 Years! , pp. 252-261. Routledge, 2017.

Viewed through the lens of complex systems science, one may conceptualize problem-solving interactions among multiple actors, artifacts, tools, and environmental structures as goal-seeking adaptations, and problem-solving itself, as a complex adaptive activity. Theories of biological evolution point to an analogical equivalence between problem solving and evolutionary processes and, thus, introduce innovative methodological tools to the analysis of computer-supported, collaborative, problem-solving processes. In this paper, we present a methodological framework for characterizing and analyzing these processes. We describe four measures that characterize genetic evolution - number, function, fitness, and persistence - to characterize the process of collaborative problem solving, and instantiate them in a study of problem-solving interactions of collaborative groups in an online, synchronous environment. Issues relating to reliability, validity, usefulness, and limitations of the proposed methodology are discussed.

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