On the Dynamics of Autocatalytic Cycles in Protocell Models

Villani, Marco, Alessandro Filisetti, Matthieu Nadini, and Roberto Serra. “On the dynamics of autocatalytic cycles in protocell models.” In Italian Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation , pp. 92-105. Springer, Cham, 2015.

The emergence of autocatalytic sets of molecules seems to have played an important role in the origin of life, allowing a sustainable systems’ growth and reproduction. Several frameworks have been proposed, one of the most recent and promising being that of RAF (Reflexively Autocatalytic – Food generated) sets. As it often happens when topological properties only are taken into account, RAFs are however only potentially able of supporting continuous growth. Dynamics can also play a significant role: it is shown here how dynamical interactions may sometimes lead to unexpected behaviors.

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