JAIDS: Transitions, Evolution, and Impact

Volberding, Paul, and William A. Blattner. “JAIDS: Transitions, Evolution, and Impact.” Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 74, no. 1 (2017): 1.

JAIDS unique three discipline editorial structure serves the intertwined continuum of basic,
translational, clinical, and population science to inform and adapt to the rapidly changing
landscape of HIV research. David Ho MD, Scientific Director and Chief Executive Officer
of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center and the Irene Diamond Professor at the
Rockefeller University in New York, as Editor-in-Chief for Basic Sciences has promoted
publication of high impact science that informs translational and clinical investigations. His
network of internationally renowned colleagues serve as contributors, reviewers and editorial
board members. With prodigious responsibilities as a researcher and administrator, David is
stepping down as Editor-in-Chief for Basic Science. We and the publisher Wolters Kluwer
are indebted for his high impact on the success of JAIDS. A second area of transition
involves streamlining our “implementation and operations research” (IOR) track. JAIDS was
the first to create a dedicated focus on IOR in response to the WHO goal of ending the
epidemic as the global community expands treatment and prevention for all, guided by the
WHO 90% know their HIV status, 90 access treatment and care and 90% achieve viral
suppression framework, and rolls out antiretroviral-based prevention strategies such as PrEP.
Accordingly, we are bringing this investigation area into the mainstream of JAIDS processes.
Our colleagues Drs. Stefano Vella, Carlos del Rio, Thomas Quinn, Nancy Padian, Jeff
Stringer and Francois Dabis who assisted JAIDS in defining potential IOR submissions will
continue to apply their depth of expertise on the JAIDS editorial board roster. IOR articles
will now be included in our print journal as well as online as we restructure how content is
made more accessible to our readership. The editors and the publisher thank them for their
continued contributions to JAIDS.