Intention Propagation for Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning

Qu, Chao, Hui Li, Chang Liu, Junwu Xiong, James Zhang, Wei Chu, Weiqiang Wang, Yuan Qi, and Le Song. “Intention propagation for multi-agent reinforcement learning.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.08883 (2020).

A hallmark of an AI agent is to mimic human beings to understand and interact with others. In this paper, we propose a collaborative multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithm to learn a \emph{joint} policy through the interactions over agents. To make a joint decision over the group, each agent makes an initial decision and tells its policy to its neighbors. Then each agent modifies its own policy properly based on received messages and spreads out its plan. As this intention propagation procedure goes on, we prove that it converges to a mean-field approximation of the joint policy with the framework of neural embedded probabilistic inference. We evaluate our algorithm on several large scale challenging tasks and demonstrate that it outperforms previous state-of-the-arts.

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