Global warming description using Daisyworld model with greenhouse gases

Paiva, Susana LD, Marcelo A. Savi, Flavio M. Viola, and Albino JK Leiroz. “Global warming description using Daisyworld model with greenhouse gases.” Biosystems 125 (2014): 1-15.

Daisyworld is an archetypal model of the earth that is able to describe the global regulation that can emerge from the interaction between life and environment. This article proposes a model based on the original Daisyworld considering greenhouse gases emission and absorption, allowing the description of the global warming phenomenon. Global and local analyses are discussed evaluating the influence of greenhouse gases in the planet dynamics. Numerical simulations are carried out showing the general qualitative behavior of the Daisyworld for different scenarios that includes solar luminosity variations and greenhouse gases effect. Nonlinear dynamics perspective is of concern discussing a way that helps the comprehension of the global warming phenomenon.

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