Effect of variable surrounding on species creation

Nowicka, Aleksandra, Artur Duda, and Mirosław R. Dudek. “Effect of variable surrounding on species creation.” Comptes rendus biologies 327, no. 3 (2004): 283-292.

We constructed a model of speciation from evolution in an ecosystem consisting of a limited amount of energy recources. The species possesses genetic information, which is inherited according to the rules of the Penna model of genetic evolution. The increase in the number of the individuals of each species depends on the quality of their genotypes and the available energy resources. The decrease in number of the individuals results from genetic death or maximum-age reaching by the individual. The amount of energy resources is represented by a solution of the differential logistic equation, where the growth rate of the amount of the energy resources has been modified to include the number of individuals from all species in the ecosystem under consideration.

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