Langdale, Jane A., and C. Jill Harrison. “Developmental transitions during the evolution of plant form.” Evolving pathways: key themes in evolutionary developmental biology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2008): 299-315.
Land plants evolved from aquatic algal ancestors. The algae are a polyphy-letic group from which the transition to land, and acquisition of develop-mental features associated with land plants, have occurred many times. Recent phylogenetic evidence points to the charophyte algal lineage as the sister group to the land plants. Developmental features shared by charophytes and land. Phylogenetic relationships between extant land plants. The diagram has been compiled from phylogenies aimed at resolving particular nodes of the plant tree, although there is still conflict between topologies retrieved by different researchers. Angiosperm species mentioned in the text are Arabidopsis thaliana, Populus tremuloides, Zea mays, Antirrhinum majus, Nicotiana sylvestris and Pisum sativum.