Defense of the Ansatz for Dynamical Hierarchies

Rasmussen, Steen, Nils A. Baas, Bernd Mayer, and Martin Nilsson. “Defense of the ansatz for dynamical hierarchies.” Artificial Life 7, no. 4 (2001): 367-373.

Gross and McMullin [ Artificial Life, 7 , 355–365] criticize the conclusions of our article on dynamical hierarchies [ Artificial Life, 7 , 329–353]. In this note we respond to their criticisms. After clarifying our ansatz , we argue that the simulations presented by Gross and McMullin present no evidence against the ansatz , in part because their simulations use a different simulation framework, and in part because their simulations are no less complex than ours. We also clarify why the micelles in our simulations are third-order emergent structures, and why we emphasize realism in our simulation.

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