Advantage of Leakage of Essential Metabolites for Cells

Yamagishi, Jumpei F., Nen Saito, and Kunihiko Kaneko. “Advantage of Leakage of Essential Metabolites for Cells.” Physical review letters 124, no. 4 (2020): 048101.

Microbial cells generally leak various metabolites including those necessary to grow. Why cells secrete even essential chemicals so often is, however, still unclear. Based on analytical and numerical calculations, we show that if the intracellular metabolism includes multibody (e.g., catalytic) reactions, leakage of essential metabolites can promote the leaking cell’s growth. This advantage is typical for most metabolic networks via “flux control” and “growth-dilution” mechanisms, as a general consequence of the balance between synthesis and growth-induced dilution with autocatalytic reactions. We further argue that this advantage may lead to a novel form of symbiosis among diverse cells.

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