About the Bifurcations category

Bifurcations are sudden changes in dynamical behavior as system parameters are varied. What bifurcations are observed as parameters are varied in systems that support open-ended evolution?

A classical example of a bifurcation from from a fixed point attractor to a limit cycle (Hopf bifurcation), another is the period doubling bifurcation sequence. They are interesting characterizations of dynamics because they may be seen generically, across many different types of systems (maps, lattice-maps, ODE’s, PDE’s, etc.).

What bifurcations are observed in complex evolutionary models? These may be characterized in terms of transitions in dynamical behavior of macroscopic system variables (e.g. population dynamics, diversity dynamics), or in terms of individual agent behaviors. Categorizing observed bifurcations across model classes will help categorize and compare systems.

Topics in this category should generally contain examples of observed bifurcations, with reference to the model, including code to reproduce the results and explore further. Articles already written that report on bifurcation phenomena are fair game, and a good place to start.